cUrl error (*45): bind failed with errno 99: Cannot assign requested address
日産完全崩壊ww巨額負債の日産がとんでもないことをやらかす…日産とホンダのEV協業の本当の目的をご存知ですか?【ゆっくり解説】 ▶23:00
日産完全崩壊ww巨額負債の日産がとんでもないことをやらかす…日産とホンダのEV協業の本当の目的をご存知ですか?【ゆっくり解説】 ▶1:54
ゆっくりモータリング【クルマ系・ゆっくり解説】 ▶18:13
絶対に食べてはいけない生物【サレマ・ポーギー】/絶対に近づいてはいけない生物【ヒメスナホリムシ】 *解説 *雑学豆知識 *生物 *動物 *雑学 *いきもの 声 VOICEVOX:ずんだもん 音読さん Amazon Polly brian.gratwicke, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons University of California San Diego, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons ▶2:29:05
絶対に食べてはいけない生物【サレマ・ポーギー】/絶対に近づいてはいけない生物【ヒメスナホリムシ】 *解説 *雑学豆知識 *生物 *動物 *雑学 *いきもの 声 VOICEVOX:ずんだもん 音読さん Amazon Polly brian.gratwicke, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons University of California San Diego, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons ▶3:29
地方に眠る魅力を再発掘“まちづくりベンチャー”異色社長の挑戦 ~SHONAI・山中大介社長~【カンブリア未公開版】(2024年4月18日) ▶2:24
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怕.jpg - JPEG壓縮技術的原理 | 一探啾竟 第8集 | 啾啾鞋 ▶1:36
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Photoshop Design and Photo editing Tutorials from HowTech ▶21:23
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Photoshop Design and Photo editing Tutorials from HowTech ▶14:01
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Photoshop Design and Photo editing Tutorials from HowTech ▶1:13
60 Second Photoshop Tutorial : Save Images (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, etc) -HD- ▶14:42
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pdf→jpgウインドウズ11の『ペイント』ソフトで変換してみた!(png、bmp、gif同様) ▶3:03:21
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【Windows11】HEIC画像ファイルをJPGに変換!一括で変更もできるよ ▶0:08
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【ドリフト】捨て身の突っ込みハチロク!2004 D1GP Rd.4 AUTOPOLIS TANSO【VIDEO OPTION切り抜き AE86】 ▶0:27
【ドリフト】捨て身の突っ込みハチロク!2004 D1GP Rd.4 AUTOPOLIS TANSO【VIDEO OPTION切り抜き AE86】 ▶1:29
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PDFファイルを簡単にJPG画像に変換する方法 ▶0:04
【織戸スープラ】D1 の聖地で躍動した JZA80 !! 2005 D1GP Rd.5 EBISU【VIDEO OPTION切り抜き】 ▶0:06
【織戸スープラ】D1 の聖地で躍動した JZA80 !! 2005 D1GP Rd.5 EBISU【VIDEO OPTION切り抜き】 ▶0:07
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雨で使うプロレンズ 防塵防滴 IP53「M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO II」標準ズームレンズと「OM-1 Mark II」で日本海の難破船を撮ったど〜!! ▶9:32
雨で使うプロレンズ 防塵防滴 IP53「M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO II」標準ズームレンズと「OM-1 Mark II」で日本海の難破船を撮ったど〜!! ▶0:36
ロジャー蹴るだけで全回復する新サンジメダル編成!!【バウンティラッシュ】【討ち入りサンジ】 ▶2:12
ロジャー蹴るだけで全回復する新サンジメダル編成!!【バウンティラッシュ】【討ち入りサンジ】 ▶48:56
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【黒子のバスケ SR】 覚醒4 の 青峰 の ブロック方法 教えます 【ランクマッチ実況】 【黒バス SR】 ▶0:10
連勝率ハンパないノーランドが魅力でならない!!【バウンティラッシュ】【モンブランノーランド】 ▶0:37
連勝率ハンパないノーランドが魅力でならない!!【バウンティラッシュ】【モンブランノーランド】 ▶0:16
【字幕解説】大決戦 ビナー 市街地 軽装備 INSANE 26,057,344pt (00:54.300) 1Wave決着 *ブルアカ ▶1:25:36
【字幕解説】大決戦 ビナー 市街地 軽装備 INSANE 26,057,344pt (00:54.300) 1Wave決着 *ブルアカ ▶1:02
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WindowsでHEICをJPG変換する方法!画像変換最適なソフト ▶0:46
Souno/そうの on Instagram: "星の軌跡を撮影してみた!! : 実はこの星の軌跡、三脚さえあればスマホでも撮影できます! : ————--撮り方--———— 〜設定〜 手ぶれ補正機能全部OFFにします! ⭐︎露出時間 最大(僕の場合は30秒) ⭐︎絞り 開放から1、2段絞る! ⭐︎ISO その場の状況に合わせて変更! できればRaw撮影で!! 〜撮影〜 三脚に固定! できればレリーズを用意してください! (手動でもできます✨僕は今回こっち笑) そしたらレリーズをシャッター押した状態に固定ー! 1時間ほど放置!! (2時間とか時間伸ばすともっとすごい!) すると120枚ほどの写真が撮れます!! それをレタッチして保存!できればJPEGに書き出そうー それを編集アプリで全て比較明合成! 全ての写真を統合して最終レタッチ! そしてーーー完成!! 〜〜動画にする場合〜〜(Photoshop) 統合する前の写真だけのファイルを用意して 1番最初の画像を選択! 画像シーケンスにチェックを入れてOKを選択! 書き出して完成⭐︎ 〜〜スマホの場合〜〜 AstroCamというアプリを使 ▶0:56
Souno/そうの on Instagram: "星の軌跡を撮影してみた!! : 実はこの星の軌跡、三脚さえあればスマホでも撮影できます! : ————--撮り方--———— 〜設定〜 手ぶれ補正機能全部OFFにします! ⭐︎露出時間 最大(僕の場合は30秒) ⭐︎絞り 開放から1、2段絞る! ⭐︎ISO その場の状況に合わせて変更! できればRaw撮影で!! 〜撮影〜 三脚に固定! できればレリーズを用意してください! (手動でもできます✨僕は今回こっち笑) そしたらレリーズをシャッター押した状態に固定ー! 1時間ほど放置!! (2時間とか時間伸ばすともっとすごい!) すると120枚ほどの写真が撮れます!! それをレタッチして保存!できればJPEGに書き出そうー それを編集アプリで全て比較明合成! 全ての写真を統合して最終レタッチ! そしてーーー完成!! 〜〜動画にする場合〜〜(Photoshop) 統合する前の写真だけのファイルを用意して 1番最初の画像を選択! 画像シーケンスにチェックを入れてOKを選択! 書き出して完成⭐︎ 〜〜スマホの場合〜〜 AstroCamというアプリを使 ▶0:49
ぷにぷに Yポイント稼ぎしながら雑談ガシャ楽しみ ▶0:34
【野村誠一写真塾No321】Jpegの凄さを再確認した!! 【作例写真あり】ライカなのかキヤノンなのか、この描写に驚くと思います。そしてメンバー作品集296ページも完成しました。 ▶0:28
【野村誠一写真塾No321】Jpegの凄さを再確認した!! 【作例写真あり】ライカなのかキヤノンなのか、この描写に驚くと思います。そしてメンバー作品集296ページも完成しました。 ▶0:15
[第五人格]移形と瞬間どっちも強い蝋人形‼️[蝋人形師][ランク戦] ▶6:12
[第五人格]移形と瞬間どっちも強い蝋人形‼️[蝋人形師][ランク戦] ▶0:58
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【思わず二度見】とっておきの珍車大集合!冷蔵庫・薪トラック・ナイトライダー・宇宙船・マリカー・チョロQ!!全部クセがすごいんじゃ【VIDEO OPTION切り抜き】 ▶0:53
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ぷにぷに Yポイント稼ぎ 龍仙人周回したい ▶0:57
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ぷにぷに Yポイント稼ぎ 夕方ちょこっとやる ▶
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Why We'll Never Build a Perfect Clock ▶
Div1が守備を上手くする為にやっている事!Div1を目指す為のイーフトの守備を教えます/イーフトアプリ/イーフットボール/efootball ▶
Div1が守備を上手くする為にやっている事!Div1を目指す為のイーフトの守備を教えます/イーフトアプリ/イーフットボール/efootball ▶
‎subhi صبحي‎ on Instagram: "Friendly PSA from your neighborhood Palestinian! ☺️🔻🇵🇸 *palestine" ▶
‎subhi صبحي‎ on Instagram: "Friendly PSA from your neighborhood Palestinian! ☺️🔻🇵🇸 *palestine" ▶
the girlssss ▶
Chirayu Rathod | Content Creator on Instagram: "Waiting in comments &*x1f979;&*x1fac2; Follow @_chirayu.jpg for more !! ❤️‍&*x1fa79; *kindwords *lettedtoastranger *art *artist *storytelling *stories *poem *poet" ▶
Chirayu Rathod | Content Creator on Instagram: "Waiting in comments &*x1f979;&*x1fac2; Follow @_chirayu.jpg for more !! ❤️‍&*x1fa79; *kindwords *lettedtoastranger *art *artist *storytelling *stories *poem *poet" ▶
Never sen seen so much JPG in one place🤩 *marcosphilip *lifemaxxing | Fragrance ▶
Never sen seen so much JPG in one place🤩 *marcosphilip *lifemaxxing | Fragrance ▶
How to Open JPG on Android : Social Media & Tech Questions ▶
Look at her (changing the first caption as RESPECT) | *coachella *andreabrillantes *blythe *blythechella *fyp @Username0234561189 ▶
Look at her (changing the first caption as RESPECT) | *coachella *andreabrillantes *blythe *blythechella *fyp @Username0234561189 ▶
Chirayu Rathod | Content Creator on Instagram: "Waiting for your Comments &*x1f979;❤️ Follow @_chirayu.jpg for more !! ❤️‍&*x1fa79; *life *relatable *relatablereels *relatablequotes *relatablememes *reels *reelsinstagram *reelitfeelit *reelkarofeelkaro *quotes *writing *viral *viralreels *trending *trendingreels *explorepage *explorepage" ▶
Chirayu Rathod | Content Creator on Instagram: "Waiting for your Comments &*x1f979;❤️ Follow @_chirayu.jpg for more !! ❤️‍&*x1fa79; *life *relatable *relatablereels *relatablequotes *relatablememes *reels *reelsinstagram *reelitfeelit *reelkarofeelkaro *quotes *writing *viral *viralreels *trending *trendingreels *explorepage *explorepage" ▶
FBFragrances on Instagram: "bye bye jpg *cologne *fragrance *fbfragrances" ▶
FBFragrances on Instagram: "bye bye jpg *cologne *fragrance *fbfragrances" ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “TENNIS” to get this free Preset. —— How to get Fujifilm colors in your pictures: 1. Shoot in RAW format for more editing flexibility. 2. Experiment with white balance settings to achieve that signature Fujifilm look. 3. Enhance colors in post-processing using editing software. 4. Try using film simulation presets or filters to mimic Fujifilm aesthetics. —- *FujifilmColors Follow @zangrid.jpg for more!!! *fujifilm *fujifilmphotography *fujifeed *f ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “TENNIS” to get this free Preset. —— How to get Fujifilm colors in your pictures: 1. Shoot in RAW format for more editing flexibility. 2. Experiment with white balance settings to achieve that signature Fujifilm look. 3. Enhance colors in post-processing using editing software. 4. Try using film simulation presets or filters to mimic Fujifilm aesthetics. —- *FujifilmColors Follow @zangrid.jpg for more!!! *fujifilm *fujifilmphotography *fujifeed *f ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “Arizona” to get this free preset. Note: before using this preset you need to ensure you learn your camera very well: - your aim is to get perfect sunlight and ensure that there is adequate sharpness to your image. - ensure to balance your exposure. Learn the aperture rule shutter speed rule and the ISO rule. - also ensure to get the best for your pictures with good storytelling and dynamic shots. *FujifilmColors Follow @zangrid.jpg for more!!! *f ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “Arizona” to get this free preset. Note: before using this preset you need to ensure you learn your camera very well: - your aim is to get perfect sunlight and ensure that there is adequate sharpness to your image. - ensure to balance your exposure. Learn the aperture rule shutter speed rule and the ISO rule. - also ensure to get the best for your pictures with good storytelling and dynamic shots. *FujifilmColors Follow @zangrid.jpg for more!!! *f ▶
Raw vs JPEG: Real-world photography examples, advantages and disadvantages ▶
Raw vs JPEG: Real-world photography examples, advantages and disadvantages ▶
Valkyrae and Emiru Speak German ▶
How To Convert PDF To JPG | PDF To JPEG ✅ ▶
Can you actually taste a difference between Onions? ▶
How to convert a PDF to JPG on Mac, Windows, and web ▶
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*fragancias *fragrance *azzaro *jpg *jeanpaulgaultier *ultramale *perfumes *fyp *fragrance *parati ▶
Mateusz Król — krol.jpg on Instagram: "Porsche Vending *porsche *porschemoment *porscheart *911 *3dart *cgi *vfx" ▶
Mateusz Król — krol.jpg on Instagram: "Porsche Vending *porsche *porschemoment *porscheart *911 *3dart *cgi *vfx" ▶
How I'm Dealing With My Deepfakes ▶
How to Convert Tiff to JPG With Adobe Photoshop : Adobe Photoshop Basics ▶
How to Convert Tiff to JPG With Adobe Photoshop : Adobe Photoshop Basics ▶
Dee on Instagram: "Like bro why is that shi so hard 💀💀 _____________ *cars*car*carcommunity*carmeet*carphotography*carspotting*carspotter*carshow*carsofinstagram*cargram*static*jdm*carscene*houston*texas*canon*photography*trending*viral*fyp*explore*carguymemes" ▶
Dee on Instagram: "Like bro why is that shi so hard 💀💀 _____________ *cars*car*carcommunity*carmeet*carphotography*carspotting*carspotter*carshow*carsofinstagram*cargram*static*jdm*carscene*houston*texas*canon*photography*trending*viral*fyp*explore*carguymemes" ▶
Emiru Regrets Her Decision... ▶
MP3と1枚の画像(PNG/JPG)をMP4動画に変換 - OneImageVideo ▶
MP3と1枚の画像(PNG/JPG)をMP4動画に変換 - OneImageVideo ▶
Replying to @damonicium Making JPG Scandal Le Parfum out of Lego *Lego *fyp *JPG *jpgscandalleparfum *jeanpaulgaultier *cologne *fragrance *men *power *scent *jeremyfragrance *cologneboy *fragranceknowledge *lotionupforthehomies ▶
Replying to @damonicium Making JPG Scandal Le Parfum out of Lego *Lego *fyp *JPG *jpgscandalleparfum *jeanpaulgaultier *cologne *fragrance *men *power *scent *jeremyfragrance *cologneboy *fragranceknowledge *lotionupforthehomies ▶
DF Retro Marathon: The Sega 32X Failure - Every Game Tested ▶
DF Retro Marathon: The Sega 32X Failure - Every Game Tested ▶
Mo don zot imper inspiration pou komanse zot bizness laserre! 🤝 *fyp *mauritius🇲🇺 *hydroponics ▶
Mo don zot imper inspiration pou komanse zot bizness laserre! 🤝 *fyp *mauritius🇲🇺 *hydroponics ▶
The Rarest Objects in The Solar System Are from...Elsewhere... ▶
The Rarest Objects in The Solar System Are from...Elsewhere... ▶
B'z初期の全然隠れてない名曲TIMEイントロ *ギター *アルペジオ *弾いてみた *ヒキクラベ ▶
B'z初期の全然隠れてない名曲TIMEイントロ *ギター *アルペジオ *弾いてみた *ヒキクラベ ▶
ジャッキーイクスに関する雑学 ▶
*卒業写真 *松任谷由美 *卒業ソング *ピアノ弾き語り *cover *歌ってみた *twitchstreamer *配信者 *japanesesong *japanesemusic ▶
*卒業写真 *松任谷由美 *卒業ソング *ピアノ弾き語り *cover *歌ってみた *twitchstreamer *配信者 *japanesesong *japanesemusic ▶
【可愛いわが子】パパとママどっちが好き?←「ママだぁーい好き」、「パパきらーい」 ▶
【可愛いわが子】パパとママどっちが好き?←「ママだぁーい好き」、「パパきらーい」 ▶
伝説エピソード① ▶
Amor de Siempre~Cuco De yo para mi niño lindo.💗✨ *xyzbca *you *paratiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *pinchetiktokponmeenparati😭✋ *pinchetiktokponmeenparati *fypシ゚viral *tiktok *cuco @TikTok ▶
Amor de Siempre~Cuco De yo para mi niño lindo.💗✨ *xyzbca *you *paratiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *pinchetiktokponmeenparati😭✋ *pinchetiktokponmeenparati *fypシ゚viral *tiktok *cuco @TikTok ▶
sobre nao encontrar amor, solidao e ser diferente dos seus amigos(as). *fyp *foryou *foryoupage *fy *singlelife *dating *single ▶
sobre nao encontrar amor, solidao e ser diferente dos seus amigos(as). *fyp *foryou *foryoupage *fy *singlelife *dating *single ▶
Rosario and Rico Yan's Unforgettable Love Story ▶
Review & unboxing of JPG Le male Elixir @Blind.Buys *fragranceknowledge *fragrancesformen *cologne ▶
Review & unboxing of JPG Le male Elixir @Blind.Buys *fragranceknowledge *fragrancesformen *cologne ▶
NEW JPG LE BEAU PARADISE ISLAND🫣🏝️ *greenscreen *fyp *jeanpaulgaultier *newfragrance *colognelanguage *fragrancetok ▶
NEW JPG LE BEAU PARADISE ISLAND🫣🏝️ *greenscreen *fyp *jeanpaulgaultier *newfragrance *colognelanguage *fragrancetok ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “TENNIS” to get this free Preset. —— How to get Fujifilm colors in your pictures: 1. Shoot in RAW format for more editing flexibility. 2. Experiment with white balance settings to achieve that signature Fujifilm look. 3. Enhance colors in post-processing using editing software. 4. Try using film simulation presets or filters to mimic Fujifilm aesthetics. —- *FujifilmColors Follow @zangrid.jpg for more!!! *fujifilm *fujifilmphotography *fujifeed *f ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “TENNIS” to get this free Preset. —— How to get Fujifilm colors in your pictures: 1. Shoot in RAW format for more editing flexibility. 2. Experiment with white balance settings to achieve that signature Fujifilm look. 3. Enhance colors in post-processing using editing software. 4. Try using film simulation presets or filters to mimic Fujifilm aesthetics. —- *FujifilmColors Follow @zangrid.jpg for more!!! *fujifilm *fujifilmphotography *fujifeed *f ▶
Crumble de manzana 😋 *longervideos | crumble manzana ▶
Crumble de manzana 😋 *longervideos | crumble manzana ▶
[repost] vlog paling seruu abiess!🫰🏻 | *adayinmylife *fyp *foryoupage ▶
[repost] vlog paling seruu abiess!🫰🏻 | *adayinmylife *fyp *foryoupage ▶
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*estacio *faculdade *foryou *fyp *ead *fyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ▶
No digan como vivo :'( *clips *argentina *humor *paratii ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “Green” To get FREE preset. NOTE: you must be following. Here are the tips to get your pictures looking like it was taken out of a fujifilm camera: - Ensure to take well exposed pictures, pay attention to your ISO, shutter speed and aperture. The more dynamic your shoots are, the easier it is to get the best out of it. - Play around with odd angles. Things we usually neglect during shooting. Like eyes, feet, ceiling, detailed shots. - Make sure to ▶
Kessington | Photographer on Instagram: "Comment “Green” To get FREE preset. NOTE: you must be following. Here are the tips to get your pictures looking like it was taken out of a fujifilm camera: - Ensure to take well exposed pictures, pay attention to your ISO, shutter speed and aperture. The more dynamic your shoots are, the easier it is to get the best out of it. - Play around with odd angles. Things we usually neglect during shooting. Like eyes, feet, ceiling, detailed shots. - Make sure to ▶
les dejo el proceso (ahora con voiceover) de little looms 🥹🦕 me cuentan q opinan 🫶🏻 *diseñografico *graphicdesign *passionproject *branding *kidsbrand *brandingidentity *colorpalette *dinosaur *poppins *script perdonarán la voz de gripe el otoño me tiene mal 🥴 ▶
les dejo el proceso (ahora con voiceover) de little looms 🥹🦕 me cuentan q opinan 🫶🏻 *diseñografico *graphicdesign *passionproject *branding *kidsbrand *brandingidentity *colorpalette *dinosaur *poppins *script perdonarán la voz de gripe el otoño me tiene mal 🥴 ▶
Mansi Chavan on Instagram: "50-50% equity distribution!👫 @vineetasng @riteshagar @sharktank.india @ravish_shetty_ @theyashhegde . . . *sharktank *sharktankindia *couple *relationships *relationshipgoals *couplegoals" ▶
Mansi Chavan on Instagram: "50-50% equity distribution!👫 @vineetasng @riteshagar @sharktank.india @ravish_shetty_ @theyashhegde . . . *sharktank *sharktankindia *couple *relationships *relationshipgoals *couplegoals" ▶
What is a RAW Photo? *photography ▶
‎subhi صبحي‎ on Instagram‎: "“The Holy Land belongs to everyone—but we’re the only ones protecting it.” *palestine — I choose not to open up online too much about how i, as a Palestinian, have been emotionally & mentally processing what’s happening to our people because i have the privilege to “process” it & i don’t want to distract from my brothers & sisters back home who are living under the oppression. But this audio clip is close to where my heart has been. Anger. Bitterness. Betrayal. Espec ▶
‎subhi صبحي‎ on Instagram‎: "“The Holy Land belongs to everyone—but we’re the only ones protecting it.” *palestine — I choose not to open up online too much about how i, as a Palestinian, have been emotionally & mentally processing what’s happening to our people because i have the privilege to “process” it & i don’t want to distract from my brothers & sisters back home who are living under the oppression. But this audio clip is close to where my heart has been. Anger. Bitterness. Betrayal. Espec ▶


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